Wednesday, February 21, 2018

My legs hurt!

I'm finding it hard to keep good posture today because my legs are killing me.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Posture in my Smooth Dance

This weekend I noticed after watching my videos from the UVU competition that my posture in Latin has improved, but my Smooth posture still needs work. I think that will help Kelani and I to do better at Nationals. Even in this photo, I could be more upright.

Thursday, February 15, 2018


I went to see Contemporary Dance Theater in concert today. They had a great show. My favorite number was called "Under the Canoopy". It started off with a quote "who turns on the stars in the void of the night" and then a man and a woman proceeded to twist on the lights that were representing the stars. The concert made me want to for sure keep dance as a part of me for my entire life.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Valentine's Day Touching

In Dance 260, we got in a circle and had a massage train. It made me very conscious of my back. We rubbed, patted, massaged, swiped. I was behind Karina and Kelani was behind me. An embarrassing, yet fun activity. It made me remember how loosening up the muscles helps me keep good posture.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Posture all the time

I noticed that even when I watch movies I have had posture. We watched The Sound of Music last night and it was so bad because I was also on my phone the entire time. I need to not multitask technologies so much.